The new face of the makeup industry - Diario Libre Facebook Instagram Twitter Facebook Instagram Twitter

The new face of the makeup industry - Diario Libre Facebook Instagram Twitter Facebook Instagram Twitter

The new face of the makeup industry - Diario Libre Facebook Instagram Twitter Facebook Instagram Twitter

Everything has changed (such an ambiguous but real phrase).The transformation of communications and technological advances no longer "contribute to our lives".They drag us.And so not only changes the way we communicate, but also how we consume content.

Do not you believe it?Look at Kylie Jenner's business model, the youngest billionaire in the world after launching Kylie Cosmetics in November 2015.

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Jeffree Star X Shane Dawson

Shane Dawson has become the worshiped child of YouTube.It is one of the original youtubers and one of those who knew how to evolve its content while grewing as a human being.He is responsible for one of the most consumed contents on the platform: his documentary series in which he enters the world of interesting personalities, such as Molly Burke, a non -seidental youtuber;Logan Paul, a very questioned character but at the same time very often;and Jeffree Star, CEO of Jeffree Star Cosmetics, Beauty Guru on YouTube and former singer.

via Giphy

Jeffree Star has been another of those figures prone to drama with people both inside and out of YouTube (the last drama, before Tati Westbrook and James Charles, was Khloé Kardashian, his neighbor.Casual).

Last year Dawson made a first series with him that took the makeup mask and ‘Veneno’, to reveal his past, his insecurities and his success, which continued multiplying after the series, not only in followers, but in purchases.

via Giphy

In that first series, Dawson and Star played with the idea of creating a shadow palette and sharing the process in another series that premiered this month and will continue until nine episodes.On this occasion they are showing the behind scenes of the creation of these products while entering the world of Jeffree Star in Calabasas, California, to their offices (which could compete with those of Kylie in space) and their perspective of theDramatic beauty industry.

Throughout the filming, we see Shane Dawson - who knows nothing about any makeup - to enter and passionate more and more with this world.An immense success for the collection is anticipated because they will bring together the fans of both.

Jeffree Star has two sets of followers: who follow him as an influencer and buy everything he throws, and those who believe in their brand and therefore will consume their products.Shane Dawson -which has been called DR.Phil or Oprah from Youtube.

La nueva cara de la industria del maquillaje - Diario Libre Facebook instagram Twitter Facebook instagram Twitter

And it is not for less: each part of the collection is inspired by Shane Dawson, in his friends who come out in the camera, at the different times and themes of his channel, and in his struggles with his weight and with his emotional health.Therefore, for his followers it is not surprise to read names such as "conspiracy", "Controversy", "Food videos", "Sleep paralysis", "My Pills" or "Are You Filming?".

Dawson has already granted Previews of the palette through his series, but for the moment he has not shown it complete.The collection will be available this Friday, November 1.

_________________Tati Westbrook

The Textured Neutrals Volume 1 shadow palette of Tati Westbrook (Glamlifeguru on YouTube and its other social networks), was launched on October 25 and, before 12 hours, the 100,000 available palettes had already been sold (100,011, to be exact).Considering that Westbrook did not saturate his followers after announcing the palette and Tati Beauty in general, the total sale was surprising.

Westbrook is from the first generation of Beauty Gurus, which were built in an ‘era’ of YouTube in which to talk genuinely and share tips without special equipment or many filters (neither personality nor physical) was the norm.The interaction that these first influencers built with their followers - and that few maintained, since many evolved to other careers or other personalities and lifestyles - were (or at least perceived as) more transparent than traditional celebrities, so thatIt was easier to influence them.Sales were guaranteed from the moment one of these youtubers mentioned a product.

Remaking the drama that occurred in the first quarter of this year, called DramAGeddon II (if you are curious to go and appear immediately), Tati has always remained in its beauty room, surrounded by its innumerable products, evaluating shadow pallets, lipstick, bases and everything that can be called 'makeup'.

Due to the weight that his opinion has taken, his fans have requested for years to create his own makeup products.After devoting vitamins and establishing the company Halo Beauty (according to Westbrook it was a way of perceiving the beauty from inside out), now launches its first palette of shadows with four neutral tones (and one not so neutral, rightly called “poet”) In four different textures.

Using different textures of the same color was a perceived movement as innovative by other beauty fans, who recalled that over the years, Tati used to mention in its tutorials, “I hope I had this color in another texture to complete this look".

Due to the time it has taken to launch its beauty products, Westbrook has had time to plan and assured that it has the following 30 collections already planned.

________________James Charles

James Charles is one of the youngest and most of the Beauty Influencers (he is 16.1 million followers on YouTube);He tends to go neck with Jeffree Star, who now has 16.2 And who went from being a mentor to become his enemy (again, for more information consult Dramageddon II).

James shook YouTube (and other social networks) last year announcing his first palette of shadows - the artistry palette - next to Morphe.The palette slogan was "Release Your Inner Artist" ("Libera your inner artist"), with the premise that the palette contained all colors both to create the most basic and daily looks, and the most artistic and colorful.

To celebrate the first anniversary, James launched the "Mini Artistry", the same palette but smaller and with a mirror.The launch was a bit anti -limit and disappointing for fans, who expected the influencer at least to choose their favorite colors or throw some new color on the palette.

Luego del tsunami que ocurrió con Tati y con Jeffree -tan inmenso que se salió de los confines de Youtube y fue cubierto por medios internacionales- se cuestiona la fecha de su lanzamiento (el 17 de octubre, antes de Tati Westbrook (25 de octubre) y de Shane & Jeffree (1 de noviembre)), debido a que según Tati estableció en marzo, James conocía distintos proyectos que ella estaba trabajando, y por la serie de Shane Dawson y Jeffree Star, también sabría que ambos lanzarían una colección en esta temporada.

Despite the fanaticism that exists for a good controversy, the reality is that the anniversary of his palette is approaching and in the Dawson and Star series a meeting with Morphe (March 2019) is shown in which a talk about alaunch that would be made with James Charles in November.

_______________ Controversies or coincidences - or neither - the three pallets (and in the case of Shane and Jeffree, the complete collection) have similar launch dates that will force fans to choose their favorites or break their pigs to make multiple purchases.

If we leave social networks micrision, this is what beauty companies that make up the real world are going through.The festivities and brands from around the world will release new editions for their fans.Competition is a natural part of the industry;Hopefully this time it stays in sales and does not involve more drama (or claws).

_______Fotos: external source

TEMAS - Laura Yépez

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