The entrepreneur behind Krika Cosmetics |Social |Trends |Briefcase

The entrepreneur behind Krika Cosmetics |Social |Trends |Briefcase

The entrepreneur behind Krika Cosmetics |Social |Trends |Briefcase

The beauty market at the end of the year still has positive figures in sales and much more in a country like Colombia where according to indicators it is positioned as one of the market leaders in the region.

En medio de este panorama, el emprendedor Camilo Zuluaga busca llevar a Krika Cosmetics a ser el primer retail de belleza de venta omnicanal más grande de Colombia.

For last year, this company closed with more than $ 28.000 million in sales and at this time they grow to two digits and exceed the marketing figures of 2019 by 18%.

Zuluaga que es administrador de empresas de la Universidad Javeriana y tiene tan sólo 28 años de edad, es quien desde hace tres años está llevando adelante el proceso de modernizar la empresa que fundó su padre en Cali hace más de 22 años, adaptándola a un modelo omnicanal en donde cada vez gana más terreno el e-commerce y les ha permitido llegar a cualquier región de Colombia.

“Our goal is now to end 2021 having had a 20% sales growth compared to 2019 where we had some of the best results and we want to open our first store in Bogotá and other cities in the country in 2022.Currently, we have two beauty salons with a capillary store and premium dermocosmetic, in addition to six stores at strategic points of the city of Cali, ”said the company's CEO.

Krika Cosmetics, se convirtió en una empresa referente de venta de productos de belleza que surte a salones, barberías, profesionales del sector y a clientes finales, y que al día de hoy posee uno de los mayores portafolios en el mercado: con más de 308 marcas entre las que se encuentra Nivea, Vogue, Essence, Ana María, L’Mar, Daphne, entre otras que completan su oferta de más de 27.000 references.

El emprendedor detrás de Krika Cosmetics | Sociales | Tendencias | Portafolio

According to the latest figures obtained by the Andi, the cosmetics sector managed to close last year with $ 9.401 million and had a variation of -6.31% compared to 2019.Despite that fall, it is expected that the makeup market in Colombia will reach $ 345.000 million for the end of the year, which would mean 40% more than 2020.

En medio de esa carrera por terminar un año al alza, Zuluaga explicó que son uno de los primeros en el sector en desarrollar un concepto único de tienda especializada dedicado a la venta de productos 100% de belleza.

On the other hand, they recently decided to launch their application with which they will provide users with the shopping experience, they will promote different tutorials on how to use each of the products they have for sale.

The CEO also revealed that they are working on the development of a functionality within the app that is going to be called "Krika shelf", with which they will allow anyone to be, "supplier of beauty products at a low cost,and in which they can request their products, make inventories, bring their income and advertise with users ”.

Este tipo de negocio a nivel mundial es tan prometedor como lo afirma el estudio de Common Thread, la agencia especializada en estudio de mercados para emprendedores en Estados Unidos, quien mostró que en 2020 el mercado global cerró con una cifra por encima a los US$483 mil millones y en 2021 ya va por los US$511 mil millones, con una tasa de crecimiento compuesto anual del 4,75% en todo el mundo.

Likewise, Krika Cosmetics is one of the few Caleñas companies that seeks to impact socially, and his most recent work is carried out with Johan Montaña Hurtado, a barber who decided to develop a project to educate young people from the commune of Siloe, with the endthat they can leave the violence aside and dedicate themselves to cutting the hair and fixing the beard of other people.

Gracias a su apoyo, recientemente se graduaron a 42 jóvenes a quienes se les entregó un kit de barbería para comenzar a trabajar y que tengan la oportunidad de iniciar su propio proyecto en la ciudad.

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