Be careful with the ingredients of the cleaning milks

Be careful with the ingredients of the cleaning milks

Be careful with the ingredients of the cleaning milks

A lot of things are gathered on the skin of the face in the course of a day.In the morning you can put a day cream, a sunscreen and makeup, each product with several ingredients.To this is added sebum, sweat, dust and air dirt.Obviously all this mixture must disappear from the face, because the skin wants to breathe at night.

But part of the skin protective fat layer is lost with the dirt mantle.Cleaning milk is the product chosen by many people to undertakeANDssta Hiegie because it is soft and is recommended for dry, mature or sensitive skin.

Look carefully at the ingredients

The milks are generally soft, but some may contain aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH), which can contaminate oil -derived ingredients, such as paraffins.This would be enough reason to rule out a product because it is suspected that some compounds of the MOAH group cause cancer.

Consumers rightly expect something different in facial cleaning products that are sold with the "skin soft" label and that can even be found in pharmacies.

You can also find organic and preservative halogen compounds such as chlorphenin, which is considered allergenic and that can cause skin irritation.

Another negative aspect is that the "lilial" fragrance can still be found in some cleaner milkssale in products that are sold from March 1.

Cuidado con los ingredientes de las leches limpiadoras

The way to avoid all these risks is to choose certified natural or ecological cosmetic products, which cannot contain oil derivatives.

What is the facial cleansing milk for?

Facial cleansing milk clean the skin but does not do so with the help of tensioning (detergents), as gels and soaps do.Detergents can be more or less aggressive with the skin and, above all, eliminate their protective fat.

Cleaner milks are softer because they are emulsions.They contain oils and water that are mixed with the help of emulsifiers.This mixture surrounds fatty dirt such as sebum, dust and cream waste and eliminates them without damaging the lipid mantle of the skin.Cleaning milk does not degrease the skin so much

Strictly speaking, cleaning milk emulsifiers are also tensioning, but are used with much more moderation in cleaning milk than in wash gels, for example.

Even a dusting and makeup layer can be removed with cleaning milks without rubbing much.Makeup can also be washed with soap or washing gel, but they contain tensioning and you have to rub much more.

Cleaning with an emulsion does not degrease the skin as much as washing with soap and water or a wash gel.Some manufacturers even affirm in their containers that their product "keep" the protective layer of the skin.

But each cleaning removes something from this protective layer, mixture of skin oils, dead cells, salts and amino acids.Otherwise, dirt would also stay there, and that would also disturb the skin's balance.

How to use cleaning milk correctly

If you follow these three tips you can use the cleaning milk in such a way that you will benefit more of its properties:

  1. Lávate con agua después de utilizar la leche. Casi todos los fabricantes dicen en sus envases que sus productos deben enjuagarse con agua. Te recomendamos que lo hagas, de lo contrario, podrian permanecer en la piel sustancias indeseables, como PEG, tensioactivos o contaminantes.
  2. Utilízala para desmaquillarte. Dependiendo del contenido de grasa, algunos productos podrían incluso eliminar cosméticos waterproof.
  3. Cuidado con los ojos. Solo algunas leches limpiadoras son adecuadas para desmaquillar los ojos, porque sus ingredientes no se esparcen y no llegan donde pueden causar picor e irritación.

Bet on certified natural cosmetic products

If you want to go on insurance, buy certified natural cosmetics.Guarantees that you will not find toxic chemicals and your skin and your health will thank you.AND

Certified products contain quality raw materials, natural and beneficial oils.ANDn lugar de detergentes y emulsionantes sintéticos, contienen saponinas procedentes de los vegetales, con un efecto similar, pero mucho más suaves.Oils and perfumes are also entirely vegetable.

They also bet on sustainable, recyclable containers and clean and friendly production methods.

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